some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


tagline filem ini sudah hampir mengisahkan segalanya; sebuah kisah tentang kasih. memandangkan filem ini adalah hasil dari malaysia, aku tak dapat menghilangkan dari kepala otakku stereotaip cerita cinta melayu yang cuba untuk romantik tapi sebenarnya meleweh-leweh, yang cuba untuk menyentuh realiti tetapi sebenarnya plastik dan yang cuba untuk menyelitkan lawak tetapi macam biawak.

tapi pada aku filem ini memang bukan tipikal filem cinta melayu. ya, sepet dan gubra juga wajar diberi penghargaan memandangkan tema besar yang diketengahkan dalam filem-filem tersebut juga cinta, tapi pada pendapat aku, sepet dan gubra cuma menjadikan tema cinta sebagai landasan untuk mengetengahkan isu-isu yang lebih besar, yang lebih berat, sedangkan filem cinta pada pandangan aku banyak menggarap isu tentang cinta, walaupun ada isu-isu lain yang cuba diketengahkan, tetapi kebanyakkannya hanyalah selingan, dan tidak signifikan seperti yang diketengahkan oleh gubra dan sepet.

5 cerita utama dalam filem ini bertemakan cinta, yang kadangkala berkait dan bertindih dalam beberapa babak yang tertentu.

seperti biasa, aku memang malas untuk menyelitkan spoiler dalam review. tapi cukup untuk aku nyatakan bahawa filem ini bukan sahaja mengetengahkan 5 kisah tersebut. malahan, terdapat juga kisah-kisah yang juga bertemakan cinta dalam 5 kisah utama. dan kisah cinta yang dipaparkan begitu menyeluruh, dari kisah cinta seorang suami kepada isteri, seorang akak kepada adik, seorang anak kepada bapanya, seorang cucu kepada atuknya dan banyak lagi. apa yang anda perlu buat hanya tonton, dan berfikir.

isu yang cuba disampaikan juga menarik. contohnya dalam 2 kisah berbeza, iaitu kisah eizlan yusuf (azlan) dan fasha sanda (azura) serta rashidi ishak (harris) dan rita rudaini (airin). kedua-duanya menyentuh isu materialism dalam perhubungan. satu kisah menceritakan bagaimana azlan berjaya menambat hati azura dengan satu makan malam yang mewah dan fancy, dan kemudiannya berjaya melamar azura dengan cincin berlian, sedangkan dalam kisah yang lain, harris ditinggalkan isterinya (airin) demi jejaka yang lain sedangkan harris juga tidak kurang dari segi kebendaan dan kasih sayang. dalam kisah harris dan azura ini juga diselitkan bagaimana seorang anak kecil yang peka kepada perasaan bapanya.

kisah pierre andre (taufiq) dan sharifah amani (aryana) pula pada aku cuba menyampaikan bahawa kadangkala cinta tak perlu dicari, cinta tak perlu dicari di akhbar mahupun myspace (myspace ni metaphor aku sendiri). kadangkala ianya di depan mata kita sendiri.

kalau aku nak sebutkan satu-satu isu yang diketengahkan rasanya tidak adil (walaupun sebenarnya aku malas) sedangkan korang sendiri boleh menganalisa isu-isu tersebut dari kaca mata korang sendiri. jadi macam aku katakan tadi, kalau berminat, tonton lah cerita ni, dan jangan lupa untuk berfikir.

rating cerita ni aku berikan 4 daripada 5 bintang.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

waves of fear is coming near

we'll take a break from this list of reviews to present you my top 5 for this morning.

1. Lou Reed - waves of fear
2. Bob Dylan - spirit on the water
3. M83 - farewell/goodbye
4. Club 8 - the end of the affair
5. The Verve - the drugs don't work

anyway, happy valentine for anyone who celebrates it. no matter how happy you guys are, don't forget about global warming!

p/s: i'm sorry but i could only find 2 songs from radioblogclub to be posted here along with my top 5 list.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Be With Me

Be With Me

i've found the dvd for this movie last month in jb but decided not to buy it for no reason. gladly zairi bought it for this is one of the best movie i've watched for this year.

this is actually an independent singaporean movie, directed by eric khoo, which is also a singaporean, i think. wiki or google this stuff if you want to know more.

this movie consist of 4 different story, but with the same theme, love and suffering. and like most of the movie which tells more than one story, let say for instance, 'amores peros', 'crash' or maybe 'berbagi suami', the stories is interconnected in some way or another. i don't know why but it seems like this kind of interconnecting inside a movie has seems to be blooming its way nowadays.

so, the first story tells about a relationship between two schoolgirls which gone wrong (this story is mocking me in a way or the other. don't get me wrong, i'm straight). the second story tells about a guy who obviously has a lack of self-asteem, mostly caused by his family, who falls for a hot looking woman (the guy of course, not his family), but didn't have the guts to say so. he soon became a stalker, but not in a pervert-ive way, or so it seems. the third story is about an old man, who feels like it's the end of the world when his wife died, and the third story, which is the most inspiring story in this movie, is about a blind and deaf woman who struggles each day for a better day. the last one was said to be based on real story.

most of the review i've read said that this movie deals with how we human, will always longing for true love, which seems to only exist theoretically, rather than in reality.

but for me, this movie deals with far more deeper issue than that. it deals with suffering, and how we cope with it. this movie makes all suffering caused by love and relationship looks like a young boy's playground, comparing it to the suffering a deaf and blind woman who have seen how beautiful the world are, who have heard beautiful things, but are taken away from her in almost an instant.

ok, so there are some spoilers in my review. i just couldn't help it. and some of the actresses in this movie are gorgeous as well.

my rate is 4 and a half out of five.

p/s: they are also setting up a fund for the disabled to attend universities and polytechs in singapore. read here to know more.

The Prestige

no more whiny shit. here are some short reviews of some movies that i've watched last week. and as usual, don't expect any spoilers or summary inside my reviews. as i've said in my previous post, you can find loads of movie plots/summary inside the internet. so this review will be strictly from my point of view...and i hope you'll have a different point of view (i'm not only referring on my movie review, but in any aspects possible) since a different point of view will provide more space for discussion rather than the same point of view.


The Prestige

this movie is directed by christopher nolan, which is also the director of 'memento', 'insomnia' and 'batman begins'. i've watched the first two but not the latter, which i've read some good reviews about it as well.

so, back to the prestige. this movie doesn't draw a lot of anticipation in the begining (at least to me), but as the story builds up, a lot of questions came unanswered. and i could say that the answers to these questions came in bits and pieces along the movie until it came to the end.

but the big question inside this movie is would you sacrifice your life and the other for something that you consider much bigger? is there a thing that you would consider larger than life that you would go all out to achieve it?

the resemblance this movie has with 'memento' and 'the usual suspect' is that you're detered from the 'truth' from the beginning of the movie until the end of the movie, which is where they will reveal the truth.

the downside of this movie is that it features some scientific inventions which doesn't make any scientific explaination at all, which at some point, reminds me of 'charlie and the chocolate factory', which makes me crave for chocolate right now.

other than that, i could say that this movie is in between average and good. my rate is 3 out of 5 star.

p/s: i wasn't able to finish reviewing all of the movie in one go, so i'll stick to one movie per post. i'll post the rest of the review later.

i just want to travel

the worse thing about losing your partner is losing someone to talk to about anything. yeah, i still chat with her once in a while but it isn't the same. i don't expect to be anybody's hero. maybe i just want somebody to talk to, to listen to, no matter how far, no matter how...

but for now, i just want to travel. my plan for this mid-semester break came to waste since i didn't have enough money. i'm having my industrial training this may, so i don't think i'll have the time to travel during the semester break.

maybe i'll do some spontaneous travelling whenever possible.

i badly need it. i do..

*pictures taken from

Thursday, February 08, 2007

sampai bila?

aku diserang batu kering. tapi aku pasti ia bukan TB. ia biasa menyerang bila aku nak tidur, dan lepas aku mandi. aku tak pasti kenapa ia menyerang time-time gitu tapi aku rasa faktor suhu memainkan peranan. satu yang aku pasti, ianya tak lain dan tak bukan disebabkan rokok.

ya..sejak kebelakangan ni aku memang kuat merokok. terutamanya ketika depresi menyerang aku tak lama dulu. rokok surya tu selamba je aku chain smoke tiga batang skali. kalo tak caya tanya adan.

walaupun zaman depresi aku dah hampir sampai ke penghujung (aku namakan ianya post-depression), aku tetap dengan tabiat merokok aku yang lama, heavy smoking. hasilnya, sudah hampir seminggu aku susah nak tido malam kerana batuk-batuk.

penyelesaian aku untuk malam-malam yang lepas memang mudah. aku tunggang ubat batuk. batuk aku hilang, mata pun berat.

tapi malam ni aku tak boleh minum ubat batuk. bukan pasal ubat batuk aku dah habis, tapi pasal esok aku ada mid term exam. aku kena study. jadi aku biarkan batuk aku ni jadi 'ubat' untuk mengatasi mata yang mengantuk. walaupun memang perit dada aku bila batuk menyerang, tapi aku tak boleh buat apa. semuanya bahana winston light dan surya.

jadi sekarang aku dah jarang isap rokok. sepanjang minggu ni aku isap dengan kadar 2 batang sehari, tiap satu untuk makan tengah hari dan malam. tu pun aku kena seiringkan dengan menghisap gula-gula hacks ataupun diselang-selikan dengan air limau suam.

sampai bila baru aku boleh berenti isap rokok?

Monday, February 05, 2007

German Film Week @ UM

German Film Week - AEI

Date/Time: 5 - 9 February 2007, 8.30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, Asia-Europe Institute
Organiser: Asia-Europe Institute, UM and Goethe Institute
Contact Person: Puan Joharah (+603-79674645)

The Asian-Europe Institute with the cooperation of Goethe Institute will organize the "German Film Week" that will be held at the AEI Auditorium from 5th to 9th February.

Date : 5 Februari 2007 (Monday)
Time : 8.30 malam - 10.30 malam
Movie Title : Mostly Martha

Date : 6 Februari 2007 (Tuesday)
Time : 8.30 malam - 11.00 malam
Movie Title: Comedian Harmonists

Date : 7 Februari 2007 (Wednesday)
Time : 8.30 malam - 11.00 malam
Movie Title: Good Bye, Lenin

Date: 8 Februari 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 8.30 malam - 10.00 malam
Movie Title : Run Lola Run

Date : 9 Februari 2007 (Friday)
Time : 8.30 malam - 11.30 malam
Movie Title : Nowhere In Africa

AEI invites the campus society to come and join the fun!

For any enquiries, please contact Puan Azy at +603–79676925, Puan Noeline +603-79676920 or Cik Syafrina +603-7697 6929.

p/s: i don't know if non-um students are allowed or not to enter for the screening, but i think trying wouldn't do any harm. unfortunately some of my classes are at night, so i don't think i'll make it to all of the screening.