The Prestige
no more whiny shit. here are some short reviews of some movies that i've watched last week. and as usual, don't expect any spoilers or summary inside my reviews. as i've said in my previous post, you can find loads of movie plots/summary inside the internet. so this review will be strictly from my point of view...and i hope you'll have a different point of view (i'm not only referring on my movie review, but in any aspects possible) since a different point of view will provide more space for discussion rather than the same point of view.
The Prestige

so, back to the prestige. this movie doesn't draw a lot of anticipation in the begining (at least to me), but as the story builds up, a lot of questions came unanswered. and i could say that the answers to these questions came in bits and pieces along the movie until it came to the end.
but the big question inside this movie is would you sacrifice your life and the other for something that you consider much bigger? is there a thing that you would consider larger than life that you would go all out to achieve it?
the resemblance this movie has with 'memento' and 'the usual suspect' is that you're detered from the 'truth' from the beginning of the movie until the end of the movie, which is where they will reveal the truth.
the downside of this movie is that it features some scientific inventions which doesn't make any scientific explaination at all, which at some point, reminds me of 'charlie and the chocolate factory', which makes me crave for chocolate right now.
other than that, i could say that this movie is in between average and good. my rate is 3 out of 5 star.
p/s: i wasn't able to finish reviewing all of the movie in one go, so i'll stick to one movie per post. i'll post the rest of the review later.
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