some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Thursday, May 25, 2006

8.00 pm

tomorrow will be the day. my flight was scheduled at 8.00 pm. we'll depart at KLIA. if anything goes as planned, tomorrow will officially be the first time i boarded a plane, and actually flew with it.

hope you guys could pray or hope for my safety and health. selamat pergi selamat pulang orang melayu kata (cewah!! macam aku mat saleh pulak!).

i'll be back in two weeks (hopefully). till then, take care!!

p/s: buji, gua tak dapat pegi jafna kawin la beb. kalo ko pegi kim salam la kat dia sama bebudak ni.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

bare with this for a while

i'm so fed up with my old skin template, and i haven't finish editing my new template. so here you are. i pick up a skin from i'll put up some links and maybe a shoutbox later. if you want to say something, please use the comment section below.

come to think about it, i think nobody would care.

ok, adios, and take care!

igauan ikan pari

statement untuk hari ni yang aku tak boleh lupa:

"dik, dah jumpa dah budak yang bawak ikan pari tu?"

akak aku ngigau. aku pun tak tau apa yang dia ngigau. aku ingat dia sedar dan aku yang salah dengar apa yang dia cakap, so aku tanya la dia dengan nada yang penuh hairan. "ha??", aku tercengang. pastu dia boleh jawab dengan selambanya "budak yang bawak ikan pari tu".

sah dia ngigau. aku dengan mak aku pun gelakkan dia. dia tak jaga jugak. lantak la ko.

Monday, May 22, 2006

i wish the title of this post would be "my routine everyday = doing sit up for at least 30 times", but it's not

some of the respons i've got when i mention to people that i'll be going to Mecca for Umrah:

1. "Belagak alim konon!"

2. "Ko buek la roaming henset ko kek sanun. kang kalo den ado papo nak kirim buleh den tipon."

3. "Skang orang gi Umrah macam gi melancong."

4. "Kirim daging unta sekilo."

5. "Doakan la i dapat dean list."

6. "Ko mana boleh pegi. Ko kena mintak maap kat aku dulu."

and the list goes on. i'll be going this weekend. there's a mixture of excitement and scared inside of me. pray for my safety and health.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

fadhil yang menjengket kakinya

this is the picture from bobok's wedding. most of the people inside this photos are my schoolmates, and my soon to be business partners. wink* wink* ;)

just so you know, the wedding couple are the one sitting in the middle with the light blue dress. there they are, bobok and cicak (or firdaus and armizatul shima). may they live happily ever after.

p/s: sebenarnya mamat baju putih yg berdiri belakang aku (namanya fadhill, orang inas) tu bukannya tinggi sangat pun. dia jengket kaki!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

out of the virtual

it's been about two weeks i'm home without any internet connection or a phoneline. of course it is more of a desire than necessity to have both of it. but considering my state of being alone at home, friends and girlfriend far from reach, without much of anything enjoyable to do and no money to go anywhere, of course i'm craving for at least a phone line or an internet connection. some pocket money so i could visit some friends near or far, would be more than desirable, but the probability is very low. and now, even my intention of changing my blog skins couldn't be done because my home lacks phoneline.

since i depend less on television to entertain me, i got myself reading a novel to kill the boredom. i'm currently reading a book i borrowed from zairi entitled, an invisible man. a story about a black man living in the 40's. i couldn't elaborate more since my progression of reading could be described as shameful for a person who declared himself a 'reader' (eventhough i don't remember i declared myself as such, but, whatever).

listening to music would be my all time favourite past time. since listening wouldn't require much attention, i often reads while listening to music. and have you heard that when you listen to a certain music while reading, you could recall what you've read later just by listening to the same music you're hearing while you're reading it. i don't know how true is it, but i've experienced the same thing some years ago. i was reading this book by ann rule while incubus was playing on my cassete player. and each time i was reading it, i played incubus on the player. it wasn't an experiment or so. maybe it was the only thing i like to hear at that time, i don't know. and till i've finished reading it, all i got were incubuse tunes playing. guess what, even i've finished reading that book, each time i listened to incubus, i got the chill feeling, like i had while reading the book (since the book is about murders, it's understandable that i got the chill effect. the effect varies with reading material). but believe me, if you ask me to study (that requires reading) while listening to songs, i would end up listening to those songs rather than studying, or, if i got the will, i would just stop playing those songs and concentrate on my studies. it's impossible for me to study (again, that requires reading) while listening to tunes of my favourites.

and yesterday, i've bought dvds as another effort of fighting the boredom. there are some dvds that i've brought back home that i haven't watch yet, but i've decided to widen my collection since the dvd price here has decrease to RM6 per dvd, rather than RM7 before this. and guess what, i've bought 3 dvd and i bargained it for RM15 rather than RM18 for 3 dvds. do the math and u know how much i've paid for one dvd. quite cheap eh? even fahmi said that the price of dvd in penang has increased from RM4 to RM5 or RM6. kira gua takyah gi jejauh dah boleh dapat dvd murah, hahaha...

ok, so i've bought V for Vendetta, The Constant Gardener and Thirteen. there're some more movies that caught my attention, but since i'm pokai, i end up buying only 3. tu pun lepas dapat diskaun. i wanted to buy Captoe, Walk the Line and Human Trafficking as well, but as i said, money was the factor. i hope zairi or akhdan had bought it so i could borrow it from them.

i've only watched V for Vandetta just now and i'll prepare the review later. in fact, since i've less things to do, i'm planning of writing reviews of other things that covers music, books and movies. i was thinking of creating a blog just for publishing reviews of anything, but i think i'll put that on hold since my internet connection itself is on hold.

ah, and then again, for those who don't know, i'm going to Umrah this 27 of May for 14 days. so, typically for those going to Umrah or Haji, i'm asking for apologies from all of you guys. kosong kosong la kiranya.

i don't know when i'm able to post this. i'm hoping that soon it will be.

Friday, May 12, 2006

hamba menurut perintah

sekali lagi aku menulis dalam bahasa melayu, kali ni bukan sebab aku terpengaruh dengan penulisan orang lain. tapi bagi meraikan hari ulangtahun UMNO (aku pun dah lupa tarikh dia bila) yang dikatakan sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan sejati bagi Tanah Melayu. tiada yang lebih layak dinobatkan sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan, hanya UMNO dan UMNO sahajalah.

niat dihati bukan nak berbincang hal politik, jauh sekali nak mengetengahkan idea atau pendapat tentang apa yang perlu diperbaiki untuk kebaikan rakyat jelata. cuma terkilan dan sedikit marah apabila ucapan sultan johor ada menyebut yang UMNO lahir di istana, bukan di tepi jalan.

tak taulah apa tujuan statement tu dikeluarkan dan dijadikan tajuk berita di akhbar utusan, tapi melalui pemahaman aku, apa yang ingin diketengahkan adalah, perjuangan UMNO adalah perjuangan yang suci dan bersih, juga mendapat mandat istana dan sultan-sultan yang memegang kuasa hanya kerana dilahirkan dalam keluarga diraja, bukannya perjuangan yang lahir dari kekotoran jalanan dan debu-debu kehidupan. kerana yang bermastautin di istana hanyalah raja dan sultan yang mulia sedangkan yang di tepi jalan hanyalah manusia biasa, rakyat yang tiada daulat mahupun kuasa. apa standard beb!!

bukannya hajat hamba nak jatuhkan sultan. tapi kenapa di caci dan dipandang rendah perjuangan di tepi jalan? bukankah itu yang dinamakan perjuangan rakyat untuk rakyat? perjuangan hasil daripada debu dan kekotoran kehidupan. bukannya perjuangan yang hanya pernah melihat kilauan emas.

bukannya hendak menafikan keikhlasan tuan hamba dalam memperkasakan bangsa, kerana kebolehan hamba hanya dapat melihat jasad dan bukannya apa yang terkandung dalam isi hati tuan hamba. tapi janganlah dinilai martabat seseorang itu dari keturunannya, kerana manusia tetaplah manusia. hanya jasad yang tiada kesempurnaan mutlak.

sampai di sini, izinkan hamba mengundur diri.

bye bye!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

i wont be left dancing alone to songs from the past

yay! my final exams are over. and right now i'm in JB.everything normal here except that i'm not able to connect to the internet or make calls using the phoneline anymore. why? an outstanding bills of course. thanks to my sister (macam la aku tak penah bagi bill melambung.haha..).

i was hoping that i could stay a while longer in kl before going back, but there are some things that must be done here.

the exam weeks were a bit hectic, and the papers were tough! i bet this is the toughest exams i've ever sit. but there's no use whining about it when i did less to improve it.

besides my syllabus, there are a few things that i've learnt from my examination weeks. i've learnt that sometimes people would do anything so that they could cheat during the examination. it's not that i cheat during the exam, as i didn't have enough 'bravery' to do so (execpt for objective papers, which wouldn't require much skills except a good eyesight and an ability to determine the 'coordinate'). but i'm quite suprised when i heard how some students will go quite to the 'extreme' to do so. for your information, UM has a quite a strict policy on cheating on exams. students would be suspended for one year if they're caught cheating, instead of a semester like in UiTM. so here are some list of cheating skills that i've heard:

1. write notes or formulas on your body such as hands, stomach, legs etc. and if that part of your body is hairy, shave it away! a friend of mine says that his classmate has shaved his leg so that he could wrote formulas on it. but beware! don't try to take a 'peek' on the written formula in the exam hall. this would attract obvious attention. go to the toilet.

2. wear a long sleeve shirts, such as sweaters and wrap notes/formulas written in paper on your arms. again, go to toilet to render the information.

3. on the first paper, ask for extra answer sheets eventhough you didn't need it. fold it nicely into your jacket (jackets are undoubtly a weapon of stealth inside the examination hall), and bring it back to your room/house. this answering sheets are useful for the next paper. wrote formulas/notes on it, but skills are required when writing it. make sure it looks as if you're providing solutions for question with the appropriate 'jalan kerja' instead of blindly writing all those notes/formulas. this is important as you'll be bringing it back into the examination hall for your next paper, again, with the help of your stealth weapon (read:jacket). and during this next paper, ask again for extra answering sheets and exchange this clean sheet with the sheet that's written with those formulas/notes. this is where your skills of writing those formula comes to play an important role. if the 'pengawas peperiksaan' is somewhat curious with the written sheet, go for defence, say that you're scribbling or anything. but make it calm. if not, be ready to serve a year of suspension. and if you succeed, bring the clean answering sheet out of the examination hall and repeat the process.

4. this method is the easiest and require less skills, but needed a companion who knows how to answer, willing to cooperate, has a large handwriting and knows when to give the answer and when to cover when the necessity arrives. you, yourself need to have a good eyesight and a somewhat suitable height, unless, you wont be able to copy from your companion.

i'm not writing this to encourage you to cheat during the exams. it's up to you. and don't blame me if you're caught cheating using these skills i'm sharing with you. these are meant for sharing purpose ONLY. even i didn't do any of those skills above (eventhough there's some attempt to do skill no. 4, but maybe due to my height and quite poor eyesight, i wasn't able to complete the mission. for your information, i have quite a reliable host for me to become a parasite at that time).

p/s: lokman, burnkan aku semua yg berkaitan ngan tegan&sara. kalau ada eisley pun burnkan skali. takpun ko burnkan je pape yg best. nanti aku bayar!