i'm back again in JB. i'm on my one month holiday and for only a month end-of-semester holiday, i couldn't expect anything much going on except to have as much rest, sleep and eat as much food as i can. hahahahaha!
so, the hot thing for this week is of course, the vitamin x show at paul's place. a lot of people turn out and when i say a lot, i really mean a lot! for you who have been to the new paul's place at jalan klang lama, just imagine a full packed crowd from the stage to the bar.of course the description only applies when vitamin x was playing but from what i know, the tickets sold for the gig was more or less 300!
i'm not capable of writing a full review about the gig as i turn out late and missed the first band, which is an awesome screamo band, at least i speak. so here's my review 'separuh masak' about the gig.
as i said earlier, i arrived late at the venue on the evening of november 26. for those who don't know, there have been some complications on all sorts of area regarding the gig. from the venue, to the numbers of band playing and the highly 'vicious' and sometimes senseless demands of the 'scenesters'.
speaking of this, i want to state that i strongly disagree to some of the comments made inside the ricecooker page regarding this gig, especially regarding what band to play on the show. i'm not trying to back up hisham or anyone for this matter, but when they're demanding for a straight-edge band to play, and that most of the band on the first list aren't 'tight' enough to play with vitamin x, for me, it was just plain senseless. i mean, who are you to judge what band are on the top of the list or cool enough to play with vitamin x? where's the spirit of supporting each other when at first, we're complaining that it's always the same band playing at gigs (i'm referring to previous posting in ricecooker of previous gigs) and suddenly, when some not so usual band that played, they're complaining that the bands aren't good enough to play with an overseas band like vitamin x? and is it a must that a straight edge band played during the show with vitamin x? it's like people are worshipping this band too much that we forgot that there is more to this than attacking one personality with mere rage or jealousy. i'm not saying that vitamin x didn't deserve the attention whatsoever. they're one of the greatest band in the international hc scene, and they're also one of the pioneer of the sxe hardcore movement, surely they'll get recognized and worshipped all over the world, and that's ok for me. but when other gig, with or without an overseas band, organizing shows with RM15 at the door, why do people didn't say as much as this gig (i do remember the 'fuck the rich kids' gig but after that, there weren't much complains for gig with RM15 enterance. correct me if i'm wrong)? when people complaining for the RM15 gig enterence, i understand that what they need was a clear explaination on the expenditures of this gig such as the venue payment and the expected payment for each band and the oversea band or whatsoever. whew, this seems way out of the line, so, what i'm saying is, i'm not against people saying things that they disagree with, but when they're attacking a certain someone with mere rage, sometimes what they're saying seems so pointless as it is filled with rage, and the message they want to convey couldn't reach other people, as what other people see was an angry statement dedicated to someone rather than a discussion or argument to correct what's wrong for what's better.
so, continuing on the gig review, what i wanted to say was the venue of the gig was changed due to some permit problem (as what the organizer said), some last minute additional band and the very last minute announcement of the gig being delayed to 6pm due to the delayed flights of the vitamin x band members.
while i arrived at the gig venue, there were so many people lepak-lepak downstairs, so i just assume that the gig hasn't started yet and goes straight to the mamak stall nearby with some friends to fill up my empty stomach. it was when i was about to go inside the paul's place that i realized that i've missed the set by at least i speak! sorry guys.. so when i finally got to get inside the paul's place after having to que up due to the 'massive' crowd, young and dangerous was playing. i've watched them played sometime ago at JB and i bet the sound system this time must be better, or its themselves that had improved since during the vitamin x show, the trashing sounds came out clear and i enjoyed it.
after young and dangerous, dead symphony was due on stage. i take the opportunity between intervals to go in front of the stage to see the bands clearer since the crowd was less packed during the intervals. dead symphony came up on stage and there they are with the new lineup, with wan hazril, mohsen and hanif. only gulam and aref are the original old line up. hearing their recording on the 2 way split with dead by 6, i would say that i didn't prefer it much. but with the new line up on stage, they're good at ripping the place apart! they got this mixture of grind and metal and they're really good at it! i would say that i enjoy their set more than vitamin x.
the most anticipated band of the day other than vitamin x, mass separation will be on stage after dead symphony. i didn't want to miss the 'action' so i kept my position in front of the stage intact. they're quite late to gather on the stage but as usual, their set was undoubtly 'entertaining' and energetic, from the bandmates, to the crowd. with the crowd singing along together, i wouldn't miss the atmosphere and joined them singing along the tunes. there was some times that i get mad when somebody stepped on my feet, but what da heck, nobody told me to go to gig with selipar jepun and be in front of the stage. hehehe... how i regret not wearing shoes that day.
i was so soaked up after the performance by mass separation that i was so glad when azy ask me to have a drink downstairs with him. last minute will be performing next but my tiredness overcome it all. we hurried to go upstairs after having our drink but the crowd was so packed that i rather sit on the stairs while listening to the bands performing rather than watching them inside the crowded people.
selfmadegod will be on next on stage and again, i'm taking the opportunity between intervals to go in font, but this time not only in front of the stage, but on the stage.
their line up only consist of sham, wan and yus, which means that they didn't have a bass player. i don't know weather it's an advantage or disadvantage, but i'm really impressed with yus as their drummer. he's good!
by the end of selfmadegod set, people starts filling the space inside the venue. and as selfmadegod finished playing, vitamin x has already arrived at the venue.
as was told earlier, i'm able to secure a place up on the stage, but when people starts filling the place up, people also goes up the stage for a better view of the bands playing. and so, to make the stage less crowded for the band, the owner of the place, the organizer and the band itself ask if the people on stage could make way for the band. so, off the stage i go and i went inside the packed crowd. i was even thinking of backing off so i wouldn't be crushed in between people that were much bigger than me, but as this was an opportunity of a lifetime, i keep myself as close i could get to the stage eventhough that means my feet will be more open to be stepped and get bruised. and with marco, the vocalist kept slamming to the crowd near me, i would say that i'm constantly being crushed downward or being sandwiched by the crowd. but vitamin x set isn't as long as i imagined. i'm not really a fan of them so it's understandable if i didn't know what songs they've played on the stage, except of course, the famous first step. yea, you can call me poseur for not being a fan of vitamin x.
the show ended around midnight, if i'm not mistaken, and after a small thirst quenching ceremony with some friends at the mamak stall, we make our way to shah alam.
so, all in all, it was a great and sucessful show. i heard that the local bands that played for that night was payed RM150 for each band and that is rare. i'm not sure how much they paid vitamin x but for RM150 for local bands would be a fortune. imagine if bands will get that amount of money at each show, and assuming that they make use of it for the bands itself, or for good deeds or at least not for their own individual satisfaction/interest, imagine how much progress we could make inside the small scene.
that's all for the gig. and now, it seems too long enough for me to write about other stuff (actually i'm just plain lazy), so till next time, have a great time!