some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Sunday, June 03, 2007

mistaken identity

ok, so the heat from lina joy's case haven't receded yet. and today, as i'm reading the new straits times, there's another person who'd filed a suite to change his religion from islam to buddha. the reason? he had been mistakenly given to a muslim couple instead of his buddhist biological parents.

so now there's someone with a concrete reason to renounce islam. i doubt that his case will be as big as lina joy's case as technically, he is a chinese. not malay. so 'they' had nothing to fight for.


figure this out by yourself.


Blogger Jorji said...

Lina Joy ni menyusahkan betul la...
nak bunuh tak dapat...nak biarkan tak boleh..buat tak tau je..tak best lak.
buat sibuk sangat kang,tak reti..

11:32 AM

Blogger nazir said...

ok..aku mungkin jahil pasal islam. tapi aku tak setuju dengan statement yg menghalalkan darah orang murtad. dan aku tak faham kenapa umat islam sebuk menyalahkan orang lain kalau berlaku kepincangan dalam umat islam itu sendiri.

4:40 PM

Blogger syik s. said...

erk! x setuju? hurm...

3:52 AM

Blogger Jorji said...

heh..jahil? kene belajar..jgn biarkan diri KITA terus jahil.

samo2 kita belajar.insyallah. :)

10:26 AM

Blogger nazir said...

mungkin aku jahil. tapi sepengetahuan aku, takde satu ayat al-quran yang menyebut hukuman mati kepada yang murtad. cuma disokong beberapa hadis. beberapa ulama pun masih mempersoalkan hal ni.

jangan pulak pandang serius pandangan aku. cuma pandangan orang biasa.
cuba ke sini..

1:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kalau ikut aku senang aje.. ko nak jadi apa jadi la.. hahaha... mati nanti tanggung sendiri. Semalam chem berdengkur macam sial!

5:21 PM

Blogger Freeviolence said...

Banyak diantara kita takut mempersoalkna sesuatu perkara.. terutamanya dalam kes-kes yang berkait dengan agama... akibatnya banyak yang main terima pakai jer. yang sesat dihalalkan..

12:30 PM


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