i'm 25 and still rockin'!
i wouldn't care much about my age or birthday, but it was fun, so who cares! just enjoy this beautiful song. i know this song has nothing to do with birthday theme. i'm sharing this for no particular reason.
p/s: thanks to pika and azy for wishing me happy birthday. and to all of my friends as well. i appreciate you guys, a LOT..
tak rock pun...kalau rock tak buat blog..tak rock langsung. hahaa
8:12 AM
hey...aku 6th March lepas!
nway...happy belated burpday!
1:09 PM
ya..aku akan mark kalender aku 6 Mac setiap tahun untuk memperingati besday enchik jorji. hehe..
mmg gua tak rock pun buji. ko la manusia paling rock..pasal ko tak tulis blog. hahaha.
1:30 PM
paw rokok org yg tinggal sebatang barulaa rock.. takder belas kasihan haha... ehh.. pintu mengucapkan selamat hari jadi masih terbukak kan... aku nak wish hepi besday kat keju... nanti aku hadiahkan sebatang surya ok..
6:32 PM
blah la ko dan. aku tunggu sampai kul 4 pagi pun tak dapat surya yg ko janjikan.
11:36 AM
Buji la rock, ada awek sorok, dah clash baru cerita. baru rock! Buji rock! yeah! bila ko punya birthday? dah lambat kot nak wish, lain tahun la aku wish ko ye...
10:47 AM
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