some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Thursday, May 26, 2005

after an empty night..

i'm still downloading syikin's pictures on flickr. so many of it. and this morning, i sent my dad, along with my adik2 and 'makcik' to tabung haji. they're going for umrah for about 2 weeks. i haven't decide to go back to sah alam tomorrow or on saturday. the only reason i want to go back on saturday is to meet syikin, but i've already said to my mom that i will go back on friday morning. besides that, i want to gain extra working hours this month as i wasn't satisfied with my salary for my previous month.

i've mention about the gig last sunday right? well, one word to describe it, FUN! yeah, of course it isn't qualified to be called a gig, of course the place is small, of course the place is hot as sauna, but believe me, the atmosphere, energy and passion was damn great. kudos and thanks to the organizer.

besides that, it was the first time, we, as a band, perform outside kl. yeah, my hometown is in jb, but i'm excited as well. just imagine going for a long journey with your friends, talking shits and craps along the way. it was fun. even on the way back, when i was feeling so damn tired, i refuse to sleep coz it would be meaningless if i sleep during a long journey with friends. i'm thinking about writing a proper documentation about the journey, but maybe later, or maybe none will come out.


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