some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Sunday, October 24, 2004

finished! my final exam is over for my first semester in UM and the same goes for miss nurul ashikin. everything is much the same from what i've experienced while in UiTM. but that doesn't mean that i can do all of my exam questions. believe me, no matter how many times u learn those things, you still couldn't be considered an expert (or maybe it's just me?). and now i'm still in shah alam still figuring out when to go back to JB. maybe this week or maybe i'll work here for one week before going back since faiz (not faiz duta ok!) has this job for a data entry clerk and the best part is u can quit whenever u want. but i'll figure that out later.

now that acad had taken his DVD player away, it seems that the 'rumah kedai' seems quite boring. thank to my PC and the TV, that house isn't that boring. that's all for now, i'll update this site later on when i can get a hand on my pc at home. daa...

p/s: u haven't told me about that cd yet my dear.


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