some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Friday, November 17, 2006

KEM kosong empat kosong kosong lima dua (part 2)

Nama : Mohd Nazir Bin Omar
No. Pelajar : KEM040052
Nama Subjek : Electrical Engineering & Law and Engineers
Kod Subjek : aku dah lupa
Tarikh Peperiksaan : 14/11/2006 & 15/11/2006

let me first talk about my electrical paper. as for the final examination, everything seems ok. this subject doesn't involve complicated mathematical equations or solution, not like most of the other mechanical subject, but you got to really understand the circuit to really answer the questions. i could answer most of the question except for one question on microprocessor and it involve assembly language programming. if my carry mark isn't that shitty, and the realization that i've used a wrong formula in one of the question, i would've targeted at least a B for this paper. maybe i'll settle for a C but who knows.

as for my law paper, it's in an objective format, which makes it easier to cheat during the examination. but guess what, i've decided to believe in myself rather than on someone else. wonders what motivates me? i ask myself the same question. but i guess after days of studying and memorizing, it has risen my level of confidence to answer it all by myself.

my next paper is Mechanics of Materials II, the killer subject for this semester. it is an open book examination, so you guys could wonder how tough it is. i really need a lot of luck on this..

by the way, i've just listen to Isis. check it out if you like it.

anyway, this band reminds me of Liquid Tension Experiment, eventhough there's quite a distinction between both of their music.

p/s: i miss her too..


Blogger syik s. said...

i know you can do it....go nazir go!

12:34 AM


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