some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us smoke, some of us lie... but it's all, just a way that we cope with our life - starsailor : some of us

Saturday, June 18, 2005

milk for kitten

my mom brought another kitten from her school a few days ago. she said that someone had thrown this little kitten alone, without any mother to feed from. and guess what, the kitten is only one or two weeks old! so, since the kitten was so small, it cant eat anything yet except milk. since we don't know how to come up with cat's milk, my mom just gave the kitten the usual dairy milk we usually drinks at home. i've done some research (cewahhh!) and i was somewhat afraid if the kitten might died if we keep feeding it the usual dairy milk. cats was suppose to drink non-dairy, lactose free milk, which could be digested by cat's digestive system, which means that it's hard for them to digest the normal dairy milk we used to drink at home, and even harder for kitten to do so. but the kitten is still alive till now. by the way, this is one of the kitten milk recipe i've found on the net that i would like to share it with you guys. it's not that i made it myself, in fact, i didn't even have some of the ingredient stated here. so here it goes :

Kitten Milk

-1 c. dry milk,}Or 3/4 c. dry non-dairy or lactose-free milk-mix according to directions for 2 cups)
-2c. water
-1 extra large eggyolk (or two small- NO WHITES)
-1 T. karo syrup
-1/8 tea. salt(low sodium)
-2 T.emulsified cod liver oil (or Olive oil, or cod-liver oil capsules to equal 1 teaspoon)
-2 T. soy protein powder+ 1 cup water
-100 mg.vitamin E natural
-200 mg. pulverised calcium tablet
-1 digestive enzyme tablet emptied

Beat together all ingredients, or shake well . Store in frig.Shake well each time served. Warm to body temp for tiny kittens, room temp for 6 wks & older kittens. Store no more than 3 days


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